Who’s the clan leader???

Well what i can say about Fido*
Fido* is better then me...
So..Fido* is all about the members.. Who may come in.. BUT!.. (yeah a but..NO not a bud.. but but :P)
I have Allso a lot to say..
We’re both the leaders to say simple ;)
I handle the PR and that sort of stuff..And play cs..Fido Only playes cs... So that’s the differce he’s just more lazy then me
:P :X you’re welcome fi ;)
Now sirri..
We do both a lot for the clan.. Fido* is creating a Clan-Spray Logo. And I made the site.. and the collors on the logo. So we do both do things.. Fido allso Says thing about the site like change that or that or can you put this in that out..

                 Fido*                        Dingo*

For the N00bs
(no you cant join us! :P )

Here are a few words that they can hear...Here you can read what they are or what a certain word a shortcut means...
(dutch anwsers are behind the anwsers)
here we go:

Noob = Someone whit no skill /  Iemand die geen talent heeft
Naab = Someone whit no skill  /  Iemand die geen talent heeft
AFK = Away from keybord
OMG = O My god / ow mijn god
KK = Cancer / kanker
K = okay
OMFG = Om my f*cking god
WTF = What the F*ck
SU = Shut Up  / hou je bek
STFU = Shut the f*ck up
GVD = Godverdomme


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